Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The coming backlash against Wall Street greed.

Jose, for many years, governments in Europe lived with the very real threat of Communism. If capitalism, or business, became too greedy, too barbaric, well-organized Communist parties were present to exploit abuses and take over.

As a result, European governments developed what we call the "welfare" state. They made sure that people got proper healthcare, wages, pensions, etc.

In short, they protected capitalism from destroying itself through provoking a bloody Communist revolution.

In America, we have never had, yet, such an organized force like the Communists in Europe to "put the fear of God" into the vampires on Wall Street for destroying our economy and millions of lives in the process as poverty increases.

Your humble servant here is not a Communist. He visited East Germany and Berlin - by motorcycle - when they were under Communist control, and he knows first-hand the fear under which people live under Communism. We do not want this.

We also do not want the banksters doing whatever they want in pursuit of greed. How we curb the current economic terrorism in the US remains to be discovered. The future is going to be very interesting, and, yes, scary yet.

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