Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The coming political explosion in America.

It is sad, Walter, to realize that to survive now in this land you must more and more think and act like a Mafia member - because the "fix is in" at the "top."

On July 4th, my wife and I observed a parade in her hometown of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. The parade has been an annual event since 1827!

I saw the good, decent, normal people, who do the work, fight the wars, obey the laws, and pay the taxes, put on a two-hour parade in this small town of 2,000.

They celebrated, believed in the ideals that mark the better side of this country’s place in history.

I grieved to realize that these good, decent people, who, in effect, shaped me, my core values, for the better, are abused by the gangsters on Wall Street and their hired stooges in Washington, D.C..

The danger point is coming when these decent Americans, who love their country and do not exploit it and sell it out to "banksters," realize this, which may not be too far off in the future. How will they target the coming anger?

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