Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Future of Psycho-Babble in America

Jacob, your humble servant here agrees with you. We need rules. We have let "psycho-babble" blind us to the realities of human nature.

Industrial psychologists (see Working Without a Net) tell us that the average American today does not reach emotional maturity until he or she is age 40!

They are adolescents in emotion, mind, behaviors, etc. and in the real world adolescents require "structure," the better word is discipline, but that is a no-no with the psycho-babble crowd that has distorted our overall sense of social reality.

We are paying dearly for this as employers outsource production, services to youthful populations with high skills and a strong work ethic, which is what built this country.

Until words and concepts like discipline and duty regain central stature, value in American society, we are trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, and all the king's horses and all of the king's men could not put him back together again. So it is here, now.

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