Monday, August 8, 2011

The US stock market meltdown and coming wars in 2011

Sean, in May, my wife and I visited New York City. A Palestinian immigrant told me that hundreds of millions of dollars were coming into the area as Arabs from Syria and Saudi Arabia were immigrating to New York City to avoid the coming wars in the Middle East.

Moreover, they were immediately investing this money into real estate rentals, and not keeping it in any kind of stock, bond, currency, etc.

The stock market is a gambling casino. The real economy that actually produces things stands separate from it, and we are going to learn the difference good and hard.

The newcomers to New York City, the "smart money," understand this and are bailing out of the fake economy into the real economy as fast as they can.

Also, we ought to pay attention to their fear of coming wars there for going to war is one way governments solve economic depressions.

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