Friday, November 11, 2011

Coming World War III and Institutional Failure

Dave, Gerald Celente has it right. The blood-sucking vampires will drag us into a wider war to deflect domestic upheaval over the domestic economic terrorism here.

The Pennsylvania State, Joe Paterno scandal is further proof we are descending into institutional failure. One after another the institutions of this country display a total disregard for others and focus on their own money-making, regardless of the toxins this greed produces.

We are echoing the later stages of Rome when the intelligent people withdrew, for they saw there is, was no way to reverse course, and why sacrifice whatever peace of mind you can have here for a lost cause?

I have often thought about the speed of communication, the time factor, in social, political, cultural, economic dynamics. At one time it took weeks to send messages over Roman roads. Today it is instant. Therefore whatever processes of integration, disintegration, growth, collapse occur at ever-faster speeds today than when it took literally weeks for news to reach Williamsburg, Virginia from London, England.

We are living the new high-speed processes of social, cultural, political, economic dynamics because of communication speed. It took Rome two centuries roughly to collapse. We are compressing the collapse time faster and faster.

I do not want to waste my limited time on this earth on lost causes any longer. Yes, I believe in practicing kindness, but for me it will be one-to-one, local, immediate, with a human face on it and immediate accountability.

Forget the institutions and their self-serving humanitarianism. They are failing because they are hopelessly corrupt. There, I finally got that off my chest.

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