Sunday, September 16, 2012

Future of Public Schools in Chicago

Fatenah, I did my initial teacher training and licensing through Concordia University / River Forest; my first teaching assignment was grades 7 and 8 at St. James Lutheran School, near Belden Avenue. I was there when Dr. Martin Luther King was shot! Most of our students were minority students; the principal ordered us to send them home when news of the killing came - for the rioting started the same day. We could not get out of neighborhood for a week. Parents took second jobs to send their kids to our little parish school - for simple safety. At the time, the Vietnam War was raging; I often thought about how much money - and how many lives - were wasted, when our own people at home could have used the money that went into the war. It seems the gang in control of the country have learned nothing. Consider Naisbitt's advice about seizing opportunities, creating them, and not wasting time on trying to fix problems. Some of our highly-centralized systems need to collapse so they can self-organize into better forms. Think Quantum Physics here. Apply Naisbitt's advice about feeding opportunities and starving problems. Dr. Rux

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