Thursday, November 15, 2012

Growing Trend of Bullying of Teachers by Students

Dr. 123, I just finished grading ABC assignments, and the parallel XYZ assignments for the same students. These, as you know, are doctoral courses. Grading has become stressful after the university humilitated me because a student complained that I asked her to follow directions. The student threatened to drop out; the result was it was easier to humiliate me than to maintain standards. I actually had to apologize to her in front of six other staff and faculty for simply asking the student to follow directions. I experienced this in high school with teenage whining to guidance counselors. Now the whining has found its way into what once was higher education. We read and hear about bullying of students constantly, ad nauseam. Let's take a good hard look at the bullying of teachers by students today because of the desire to maintain enrollments at any cost and make money at any cost. Kiss standards good riddance. You are afraid to enforce stated directions because you, the teacher, come under attack, not the student for not measuring up to meet simple assignment requirements. This is what we have come to. Tonight, I graded assignments; the stress of it has caused me to reach out to you for some relief, since you know full well of what I speak. It is time to find the exit door, save my health, and let the rotted game destroy itself. Fight or flight. I vote for flight. You cannot fight the system. Get out and away from it. When high school kids bullied me through guidance counselors I decided it was time to become a librarian. I have come full circle; it is time to exit for research pastures.

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