Friday, December 7, 2012

Bullying of Teachers - Future Trend for "Education"

Ylonda, this is first-rate, and it earns full credit. Here is something for you to consider. In the view of this writer, one of the key reasons students arrive under-prepared, or not prepared at all, is bullying of teachers by students. Yes, our systems allow students to bully teachers by not backing teachers to set standards for academics and behaviors. Teachers ought to have total control over who is in their classrooms and on what terms persons are in their classrooms, not principals or guidance counselors. This would restore dignity to teaching as a profession with professional audotnomy and respect. Right now, overall, they are treated like cogs in a machine. The result is student bullying of teachers for the system in effect permits, encourages it. Until teachers can discipline, magic word there, discipline, students again we can expect standards to continue to crumble. Perhaps your research ought to explore bullying of teachers. What do you think?

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