Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Trend Toward Institutional Failure in the USA

Michael, before going to bed, I want to share some thoughts.
Today, at mass, our priest reminded us that we need to first seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be added. Put first things first. Sadly, our country has stopped putting first things first, and, in fact is has been busy putting last, lowest things first. Christians founded and built this country; when we lose this Christian foundation, goodbye America. I believe we are where Rome was when it became decadent and finally fell. Remember, in those days communications and travel were difficult, so social processes - of disintegration - took longer to work themselves out, through. Today, because of the speed of travel and communication social processes move at the "speed of light" in comparison with Roman days. Therefore, we can expect our downfall to come faster, harder than did Rome's fall. This does not bother me. As Rome fell, people found refuge in Christianity - for example, the monks in far-off Ireland kept learning, Faith alive for the future. They put the Kingdom of God first, and from this "seed corn" came health again. We are entering a similar process. As we enter institutional failure, look for more and more people to turn to religion for comfort and a reason for living and hope. I know that as I observe the trends around me, I am more and more inclined to want to put first things first, and seek the kingdom of God. This gives me great peace of mind. Seek God's kingdom first and peace of mind will result despite the dark clouds and whirlwinds coming our way. God bless. Paul

Paul Rux, Ph.D.

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