Sunday, April 7, 2013


 Stephen Covey in his classic The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People points out that everything, every journey starts with a "vision" of our planned, proposed destination. It is this vision that motivates us to move forward.

 For instance, a "vision" might be climbing Mount Everest because of the spectacular view. The view is the vision. This vision, in turn, motivates us to keep climbing. when the going gets tough. So, what is your "vision" for yourself?

Another help is Abraham Maslow's whose famous "hierarchy of needs" provides another guide to career planning. Our first need is survival, food, clothing, income, etc.

Our second need is social connection, e.g. friends, families, communities, etc.

 Our third need is "self-actualization," being, as the U.S. Army recruiting slogan puts it, "all we can be." When this writer was age 18, he started his academic career at the University of Wisconsin - Madison; on a weekend visit home, his grandmother asked him, "What do you want to be?" I answered, "A university professor." I have self-actualized as I type this! The vision, the dream has come true.

What is your vision, your dream for yourself in terms of career self-actualization? This writer has learned, also, along the way, that to lose our dreams, our vision of self-actualization, is a tragedy. Do not be the singer who never sang, the dancer who never danced, and the educational leader who never led. 

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