Monday, October 14, 2013

Workforce 2020

Jeanine, again, as the Hudson Institute's research publication, book Workforce 2020 says, we do not have a higher education crisis in America.  We have an elementary school crisis in America, for it is there that we lay the foundations for basic skills.  Excuse me, but we have let "psycho-babble" get in the way of basic skill mastery.  Over the weekend, I attended a workshop (all day) in Milwaukee on how to lobby government - good and hard.  A pro flew in from Washington, D.C. to ground us in the how-to's.  Next to me sat a man who during breaks confided to me how he is enraged how his seven-year=old daughter does not have to spell properly in school.  She in effect is part of the "social promotion" trend at the expense of basic skill mastery.  He came to the conference to learn how to go after his local school board.  He plans to run for election to it.  If he cannot get elected, he plans to home school his daughter, his only child.  Meanwhile, he plans to build a powerful grassroots lobby to hammer the school system to restore basic skills as their main business, focus, as it once was when our country was "lean and mean," not "soft and fat."  Yes, you are touching on a critical issue in our country; as the economy tanks, we cannot afford the "soft and fat."  You, in effect, are on trend, which is good for your career future.  Dr. Rux

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