Saturday, December 14, 2013

Future of Knowledge Access

Thanks Paul, 
Seldom do I agree as much as with this trends summary. Already made some adjustments in my portfolio in anticipation. I'm not confident our gurus can prevent a period of stagflation and that will be really painful.
The one I question most is online education. It is the only platform that makes sense for everyday training, but I think that the really good stuff will be for those with $$$$$$$$$$$$ sort of like insider trading. Corporations and governments control data the way the church used to. The noose is tightening rather than easing in Canada. Knowledge is now a traded commodity which is bad for humanity. What is free is mostly on the level gossip, uninformed opinion, outdated and junk science, and titillation that passes for curiousity.

A trend that I would add is getting off the grid and small is finally recognized as beautiful. The only mid to long term solution in the 'developed' world is to pull back on economic expectations and consumer culture- back to 1940s-50s level of consumption and knowing how to do things for ourselves. Any visit to a supermarket reveals how packaged life is. That's not sustainable and not good.

Stormy outside.

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