Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Loss of Limits

Kendrey, what is implied here but not overtly stated is the need for setting limits.  Limits is not a words that is popular in our culture.  Drink all you want.  Drive as fast as you want.  Have sex whenever, however all you want.  Use narcotics, dope all you want.  You get the picture.  We are edging toward a cliff, and when we fall off, over it into chaos, we will have some kind of hardnosed dictatorship emerge to restore limits, or we will collapse as a country and become victim to other countries that know how to set limits through the application of discipline, and, of course, disicpline is another word, concept that our culture dislikes, decries, resists on its way to limitless anarchy.  This is not new in history.  Sadly we seem not to learn from history.  We are too busy learning how to do the "moon walk" and spread vulgarity in, through the mass media.  Yes, it would be great if we could restore limits before it is too late; your humble servant here is not optimistic.  Thanks for listening.  Dr. Rux

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