Monday, October 27, 2014

Homework and Assignment Ghost Writers for Hire

October 26, 2014

Today, I found the attached flyer at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Bookstore on the main State Street campus in downtown Madison, Wisconsin. 

There were stacks of them on the shelves for free periodicals inside the main entrance to the store.

To me, this “service” is a symptom of the continuing overall decline in standards in American education. 

In simple terms, you now can hire folks to do your homework, assignments for you. 

I share it with you because of your interest in education. 

 I earned three degrees from my alma mater; never once did I hire or ask somebody to do my assignments for me. 

Nor did I ever hear of or see the availability of persons who offered such services.

Yes, the times are changing, and the standards continue to fall.  I see it as a frontline teacher. 

Now I see it publicly documented without shame or fear of reprisals for helping “students” to cheat.

Indeed, it is a new age, but it is not a better, improved age, at least in what passes for education in the U.S.A.

Paul Rux, B.A.,M.A.L.S., and Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin – Madison)

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