Saturday, June 13, 2015

Future of American Public Schools: Affordability Test

Ray, apologies, for the delay in this reply; I wanted to be clear, concise.  Here are my thoughts on American public schools. 

We do what we can afford.  Once we cannot afford it, look for change.

Also, I more and more adhere to Chaotics, an offshoot of Quantum Physics.  Basically, systems are self-organizing; we need to let them run their courses.
Chaotics aligns with affordability. 

Peter F. Drucker argued we need to "starve problems" and "feed opportunities."  Problems are the result of yesterday.  Opportunities are the promises of tomorrow!

This, of course, is what we were doing with our voucher school work.  We were facing forward, not backwards.  We were feeding opportunities, not problems.
I like "systems thinking."  Systems have life cycles; dysfunctional systems implode if we stop enabling them with handouts.  I am sure you can think of examples too.
Take care.  Paul

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