Saturday, November 13, 2010

Trend Forecasting in Education and for Business

Above all, your satement below spoke directly to this writer, since he designed and has taught the DBA course on trend forecasting for JIU. In fact, he was emailing Dr. Peter Bishop in Houston, a leading trend forecaster, last night about collaboration on some projects with him. Your observation below has reminded me of how much your humble servant values this approach to learning. In fact, my wife and I plan to attend the 2011 World Future Society (trend forecasting) convention in Vancouver, BC next July!

"Forecasting does not create the future; it serves as a blueprint to follow in implementing change initiatives for smoother transitioning in the future. The ability to identify the most significant business trends and the future they suggest is critical to organizational success in the 21st century workplaces. This awareness and responsiveness toward appropriately preparing leaders and workers with the necessary skills to be effective is an ongoing purpose for researching solutions. Effectively forecasting trends demands continuous adherence to consumer behavior and physical needs, relevant information, and skilled and trainable workers."

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