Saturday, November 13, 2010

Past is prologue for decision-making in politics

Your humble servant here has engaged in lobbying at the state and local levels of government. For instance, this writer is on the State Leadership Council of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) / Wisconsin.

We lobby for 13,500 small businesses in Wisconsin! Overall, NFIB ranks nationally as the 10th most powerful lobby in the USA.

In the recent elections, the NFIB-endorsed candidates for both Governor and US Senate won! Both men met privately with our Council, which numbers twenty, to explain their policies and field our questions. I have been involved with the Council as a member for nine years now, and through it I have learned a great deal about influencing folks.

I point to my track record with formal statewide lobbying because a friend who was head ATT lobbyist in Wisconsin made this comment once to me. "When you enter the realm of politics, all reason ceases."

I have seen, heard, or experienced nothing to counter his statement. Sadly, as you note, facts often have very little to do with what happens or is going to happen.

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