Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Future Studies for Education

Future Studies
Shaun, of course, this is "right up your alley!" You also provide a fascinating, creative analysis of the assignment topic.

Your observations about "What if" relate directly to this writer's passion for "Future Studies," the practice of trend forecasting, for which he is under contract right now with JIU to write a required trend forecasting course for all JIU doctoral students.

He wrote the trend forecasting option for the DBA and has taught it. Its success has led to a full-court press, implementation of this approach to planning for the future.

In it, "scenarios," or what-if options, are a classic method of weighing the possibilities - wild cards here - and the probabilities - trends here - that will shape the future.

Therefore, what is the future if this wild card happens, or what is the future of this trend continues?

In fact, you may want to rethink your dissertation to focus on applying trend forecasting to education!

This would really draw on your imagination! It would also allow you to deal with broader issues than just social media. What do you think?

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