Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Future of American Education - 2012

One, the standards overall in education are declining, which reflect the degenerate society which education reflects; as a result, more and more degrees – unless they are from some really hardcore places – will have less and less value and advantage Two, distance learning, not bricks and mortar, would work best for most persons out there, many of whom are not serious learners in the first place. Three, we are on the verge of a $1 trillion tuition loan bubble meltdown similar to the bloated housing market. Four, apprenticeships, German style, would be the best route for most young people, hands-on, real-world learning – not prolonged adolescence. In the final analysis, education reflects society. It does not lead society. If the society more and more lacks standards of behavior, education cannot escape the downward spiral of social decay. In short, we do what we can afford. The USA is fast approaching a point where it can no longer afford prolonged adolescence masquerading as higher education.

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