Friday, April 20, 2012

Roots of the Coming War in the Middle East

Rene, in fact, this corruption is one of the reasons why radical Islam has taken root in these countries. Islam teaches that all Muslims are brothers (and sisters), and for this reason the rich are to practice charity - fair sharing - toward the poor. They have not, as this article points out. Since opposition political parties are outlawed in many of these countries, the people turn to the only "legal" organization outside the corrupt governments - the Islamic Faith - in their search for rightful justice and sharing of resources to enable a fair standard of living for all. Sadly, the USA has paid "foreign aid" (called bribes) to these corrupt regimes to assure ongoing access to oil there - and in the process we align ourselves against the growing poverty in these countries, as the demographics of these countries have 50% of the people under the age of 18 - and many 18 and a few years older have no work, or prospects for work. We are not far behind here. However, it is hard to fault the people there for turning to their Islamic Faith for justice - when they have no other way to get it - and sadly, we have, Wall Street and Washington - aligned with the source of corruption. Now we must pay for this greed too as the poor people there turn against us. It is best to leave theses folks alone to settle their own affairs. Do not look for this to happen, sadly. More war is likely because of greed.

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