Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The need to unlearn old thinking habits in order to learn trend forecasting

Students in a course on trend forecasting need to break old habits of status-quo, descriptive thinking and analysis (unlearn), in order to acquire new habits of thinking and analysis (learn), about how to make rationally imagine future trends for topics. Our course, in the final analysis, asks students to "imagine" tomorrow - not describe today, although we start with a description of facts today in order to leverage them through time-tested, field-tested trend forecasting techniques to calculate like future probabilities and trends in various areas of study and interest. The challenge in short is to imagine, not just describe, in the final analysis. That is our mission, purpose. Thanks. Dr. Rux
XXX, YYY misses completely the core of the assignment: analysis and application of classic trend forecasting techniques. This is a static desription of research results; it says zero about the methods behind them. The focus of this assignment (2.1) and our course is on grasping and applying trend forecasting techniques to research interests. Right now, too often students are still engaged in static descriptive research, not "imagineeing" probable, possible future trends for this present-day information. This is why our course is radically different from others that rely mostly on descriptions of status-quo information, instead of using status-quo information to make educated calculations about what this status-quo information suggests about likely future trends in the subject area. Hopefully we can move beyond descriptive analysis to predictive analysis, or we shall miss the reason for a course like this.

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