Monday, July 2, 2012

Taoist ducks and cranes and futuring

Your humble servant here is a student, follower of prudence. Prudence believes in the possibility of making things better, and rejects fatalism, but it also rejects utopian sentiimentalism about Progress. Instead, it believes progress, improvement can best occur in incremental steps - so we do not destroy time-tested and field-tested values, practices, and institutions in our rush to "make ducks walk like cranes and make cranes waddle like ducks" (an example of the dangers of utopian, wishful thinking from the Chinese Taoists). Ducks waddle. Cranes walk. That's it. To think, act otherwise is insanity and loss of reality. Sadly, we have lots of persons who confuse what ducks and cranes can do and not do today in our society. Practice prudence instead. Help ducks to waddle better and cranes to walk better. But do not confuse what they can do through sentimental thinking and wishing.

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