Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Coming Institutional Failure in the USA

Matt, Alex Jones and others “sell tickets” through extreme statements to grab your attention. On the other hand, this writer believes we are risking “institutional failure,” a situation in which people lose confidence in the (not their) government. Then a vacuum opens; nobody knows for sure what steps into it.  Germany had such a vacuum in the 1929-1933, because of the Wall Street vampires. Now fast forward to our time. The Wall Street vampires – and their political gangster allies in Washington – have created a $17 trillion debt, which they will fund with fake money. Enter financial collapse. Yes, we face unrest, civil war in the streets, and a police state response. The challenge now is to have reserves to get out of the way as best we can. We are like dogs that face an approaching attacker. We can fight or flight. This writer is in the flight mode, the safety mode, the keep your head down approach. We cannot save a system from destroying itself. The best we can do is avoid having the rubble fall on us. Meanwhile, we save our strength, our optimism, our talents for – yes – the future. Joseph Schumpeter called it “creative destruction.” We cannot fix this. As my hero Peter F. Drucker taught, “Starve problems and feed opportunities.” Your love of the rural is one asset for staying safe that you have. Do not overlook it. Trust your instincts. In the end, it is better to put our Faith in God, not men. Paul

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