Monday, November 19, 2012

Betray-us Petraus on Trend toward US Institutional Failure

Eric, thank you for your analysis of the Betray-us Petraus story.  Let me add two more probable dimensions:

1.        Betray-us Petraus likely had his sights set on the 2016 GOP presidential race.  The buzz, hype was he would be the next Eisenhower!  Enter the Bush Crime Family with its own plans about Jeb.  Betray-us Petraus was a Bush “political general”, as was Powell, and likely Betray-us Petraus thought he still had the career support of the Bush Crime Family. 

2.       This sordid farce is toxic.  It is undermining respect for our military as one of the few remaining institutions above politics, Wall Street greed, and loyal to the country overall, first, good and hard.  This kind of fooling around – given the overall trend toward institutional failure in the U.S. – is dangerous in the extreme.  We now live in an overall toxic systems collapse here.

A serious country – given the 10% approval rating of Congress, a sign of the trend toward institutional failure – would fire the whole lot on the spot – and arrange firing squads as needed. 

Make sure you have a safe haven from the institutional failure in the pipeline.  Meanwhile, thank you for your keen analysis, expert presentations, and disgust with these degenerates.


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