Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Culture Drives the Future - Not Technology

Michael, thank you for this.  Here are my thoughts.

 The key is culture, which means values, or lack of them in this case.  The narrator correctly points out the emergence of an adolescent culture in this country that permeates and corrupts all age groups.  The other cancer is the emergence of double standards for the rich, powerful and the rest of us.  Yes, the cartels risk civil war of some kind.  People will not endure abuse forever.

 In 1974, Robert Heilbronner, famed economic historian, predicted this.  He observed in The Decline of Business Civilization that a society that has no values other than making money regardless of costs to society will collapse.  We are living what he saw in 1974!  Heilbronner also predicted that in the ruins of the business civilization,  will emerge organizations similar to, or actually the real thing, caring churches, which in other times provided charity, care, comfort, and hope as barbarism churned about them.  In short, look for a religious revival. 

Also, in Will and Ariel Durant’s Lessons of History we have the same prediction.  It goes this way.  They said in times when laws no longer provide safety, justice, people turn to religion as a counter-weight to the materialistic degeneration that has loosed the hounds of hell on them.  This dovetails exactly with Heilbronner.  In the end, man cannot live by “bread alone.”  We relearn.  Paul

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