Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Coming Results of Adolescent Consumer Cultures

Walter, we share the same opinion about war. A profound study of the relationships between mindless consumerism and militarism in the USA is The Limits of Power by Andrew Bacevich. He correlates "good and hard" the directly cause and effect between mindless consumption of resources and military advantures abroad to steal resources to maintain this "shop -to-you-drop" culture. He is a retired senior US military officer who now teaches at Boston University. He is no amateur. He is also amazing because his extended military service has not cramped his ability to think clearly, logically. Yes, in effect, we have an adolescent culture that wants free stuff without having to work for it, an adolescent culture that no longer understands concepts like duty and limits - basic to classic Conservative thought. As you observe, the materialistic, juvenile culture is degenerate, and it will destroy itself.
Take care. Paul

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