Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trend Toward More Politics and Turnover

Erik, this "took my breath away." In your first review, you point out, without saying it directly, the difference between politics and process improvement. Politics at its core as practiced today - not as Aristotle idealized it as an exercise in moral fusion - is a blame game. The idea in politicsw is always to blame somebody else, even if you are at fault. The American political stage is proof of such finger pointing. In your second review, you pointed out the need for consistency or stability in organizational staffing in order to figure out where, how, who we are, and why and how we got here. You also rightly observe the devastation the turubulence of staffing turnover, especially at higher echelons, causes. Apps in our textbook speaks to this challenge already in 1994! What happens when nobody has tenure? This is exactly what you examine here in your assignment 6.1. Thank you for reminding me of the realities of the times in which we live. Plan accordingly. Have reserves and options, for you never know what is coming next today, tomorrow. Dr. Rux

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