Sunday, December 9, 2012

Options for Future: Fight or Flight

At last, I had space, a breather before bed to read and reflect on this article.  Thank you.  Two things jumped out at me:


1.        Middle class – We are watching Wall Street destroy the middle class.  The under-class saps it on one end, and the Wall Street vampires suck the blood from it on the other end.  We are fast approaching a time when the middle cannot, will not pay to support the parasites on the bottom and top of the middle.  When and how this anger erupts remains to be seen; it is in the cards.  Look for something similar to the anger of the middle class in Weimar Germany when the Great Depression hammered it good and hard.  Likely as happened in Germany, the American middle class will turn toward radical conservative fixes, not liberal fixes, in a desperate effort to salve its psychological needs for reclaiming its lost status of yesterday.

2.       Purchasing power – This of course means jobs.   It means jobs with wages that keep up with inflation, the rampant printing of fake money by the gangsters in Washington, DC and their vampire allies on Wall Street.  We are fast becoming a Third World country, with a wealthy elite 1% and an impoverished 99% at subsistence level if it is lucky.  The destruction of the middle class relates directly to this crisis of purchasing power.  It is the middle class that provides the new, small business startups to create more job, new jobs, better jobs.  Kill the middle class and you kill the job-creating engine of the economy.  The Wall Street vampires and Washington gangsters “got theirs” and don’t even know you and I exist.  On a trip to Washington, DC some years ago now, I took the train down from New York City, where I was living at the time.  I hailed a taxi at the Washington, DC train station.  The cab driver politely engaged me in discussion.  He related how he had come to Washington, DC during the Great Depression out of desperation for simple survival from West Virginia.  When he arrived, it hit him “right between the eyes” that Washington, DC did not know a Great Depression even existed, for its standard of living and perks remained untouched.  And so it is today, sadly.


Each one of us must come to terms with what is going to happen, is happening.  We can “fight” or “flight.”  This writer opts for “flight” for he believes the system must collapse first before folks can start to figure out how to put “Humpty Dumpty” back together again.  Take care. 


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