Monday, December 17, 2012

The Emerging Future of So-Called Higher Education

The trend in higher education, so-called, is toward low-paid "educational workers" here.  It is the factory model, pure and simple.  This is why I am gravitating toward training and development, for at least it is still honest about what it offers, how it offers it, and aligns with the emerging workforce needs.  Yes, you are right.  It is destroying the traditional university model.  A few elite places will survive, but most of the others are degree mills, and if they are not, they are on their ways to becoming them.  IN Wisconsin, the state cut the state university system budgets by 40%.  They are running around like "chicken little" with the "sky falling on them."  The powerhouse places like Madison, of course, have the R&D base to secure grants and an alumni network to secure $150 million yearly in donations.  The others are treading water for dear life.  Yes, the rules are changing.  Right now, we are, if we are honest, not sure what the new ones are.  For instance, I have proposed a workshop for the 2013 Chicago conference of the World Future Society on the "Death of Teamwork."  Enter Harry Pink's Free Agent Nation.  More and more people are no around long enough to establish teamwork.        



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