Tuesday, February 19, 2013

German Electric Highways

Walter, first, Macie is street smart! Bravo! Yes, I have seen Diamond's book on thrift store shelves; it seemed too remote from "first nation" concerns at quick glance. Now, I will pay attention so when I find it, especially at a thrift price, I can acquire it.

Yes, in Wisconsin, a debate rages over fracking for fear of polluting the Wisconsin River itself! When I travel around down here I see huge gas-guzzling pickup trucks (macho image stuff) and tasteless consumerist mobile homes on wheels that guzzle gas too. In short, the people here are living in a fantasy world, one which energy sources cannot support much longer. 

Here is hope. I have read about Germany now creating electric highways! The vehicles on them have attachments to connect to an electric cable - like the old-time street cars - to propel them! It is cost-effective, and safe too, since the vehicles must move in single file. I love it! 

Meanwhile, the USA wastes blood and treasure on oil wars in the Middle East exactly when we can replace oil with electricity.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts again. Paul

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