Sunday, June 30, 2013

Future of Potable Water

This came from an old, dear friend in Canada.  Enjoy!   Dr. Rux
The issue that will haunt everyone by 2050 is the desertification of the USA. With fracking destroying the aquifers that are already depleted, glaciers gone in the Rockies and glacial water gone in the Canadian North, the Great lakes will be rationed to a point where water will be more expensive than fracking oil. Fracking is another quick fix for the wrong problem! Who benefitted from the gold rushes?
Again, I've seen the desert around what used to be the Aral sea and the dust storms laced with all the chemical residue from the lake bottom- Lake Erie 2050? Erie used to support the largest fresh water fishery in the world! I knew the last commercial fisherman on Georgian Bay. I used to love eating fresh Whitefish in Collingwood. You can't get it anywhere now except up North.
The war on terror should be fought at home and the terrorists are the obese consumers who famously were asked to go out and spend by Bush as a solution to America's problems.

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