Friday, July 5, 2013

Children and Ethical Futuring

Jeanine, your humble servant here can relate to your role as a grandparent.  He has a grandson, age 9, a granddaughter age 6, a granddaughter age 3, and a new granddaughter of three months!  In fact, his wife, grandma, is spending the day with our newest.  Grandma does this once weekly to make sure our newborn knows her grandma!  Yes, when we look at our grandkids we realize our ethical responsibilities to their futures because of the decisions we make today that impact the future.  Thank you for putting a "human face" on this concern of ethical futurists.  Earlier this week, we attended a birthday party for my wife's aunt, age 94!  She symbolizes the ethical partnership between generations that must occur, to borrow from American philosopher Russell Kirk, for the survival of the human race, our greatest ethical responsibility.  Thank you for bringing our subject matter down from "20,000 feet" to real time, place, people.  I am going to share this feedback with all members of our course because of its importance.  Thank you. Dr. Rux

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