Monday, July 22, 2013

Fight, Flight, Fair

You conclusion in particular resonated with the last session of the World Future Society at the WFS Conference in Chicago over the weekend.  It went this way. 
Speaker:  "Why do we need futurists?"  We broke into small 2-3 person groups to discuss.  Here is what your humble servant offered. 
1.  Safety 
2. Opportunity 
3. Fair. 
One, as we move into the future we need to construct our own lifeboats if we are riding a Titanic. (Fight or Flight.  This is Flight.)
Two, as we move into the future we need to be alert to new, emerging opportunities and prepare to seize them! (Fight or Flight.  This is Fight.)
Three,  We can no longer trust the systems around us to tell us the truth; as a result, we must learn to think for and plan for ourselves.  Hence, all persons ought to have basic skills in trend forecasting, especially as we prepare for and move into workplaces and try to navigate them.  (Fight or Flight.  This is both Fight and Flight."
Your conclusion restates exactly the conclusions our three-person break-out group reached

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