Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Highways to Nowhere

Your discussion of innovation, moreover, triggered some personal professional pain for your humble servant here.  He lives in Wisconsin, his home state.  Yet, he mourns for it, because it stifles innovation in favor of funding yesterday's smokestack economy.  It is easier to get a bank loan here to set up a beer bar than it is to get funding to launch a software company.  Thank God for the Internet, for it allows this writer to work with the future, not the past.  Today he received an invitation to a private meeting with the legislator who crafted our current state budget.  I cannot go, for my frustration with these funders of yesterday would make it very uncomfortable, since I would have to "bite my tongue."  The current regime is going to plunge the state into another $1 billion in debt to finance road building to pay off contractor campaign donors.  It is standard Wisconsin "pork barrel" politics.  Yes, fund "highways to nowhere" exactly when telework and high-speed rail are emerging as future trends, as explained in Richard Florida's classic study The Great Reset.  Meanwhile I will attend the World Future Society 2013 Conference in nearby Chicago (3 hours by car), where we will get a "fix" on the future - while the Titanic to the north sinks.

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