Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Big Data - Response to Chaos, Complexity, Turbulence

Big Data - Response to Chaos, Complexity, Turbulence

Matt, I realize what I sent about chaos, complexity, and turbulence last night is very theoretical, but it provides the foundation for Big Data - the amalgamation of ongoing information feedback loops.  Your professors are likely old school, and they will insist on your using some mechanical model.  Okay, Big Data is that model for its accounts for ongoing complexity, chaos, and turbulence.  In other words, decision making is an ongoing process that factors as many variables as possible.  Enter Big Data.  The technique then, the model is Big Data for it accounts for complexity, chaos, and turbulence for its synthesizes feedback information loops on a systematic ongoing basis.  This brings the discussion down from 20,000 feet and will likely satisfy your professor.  It is also the model that I explored for my own Ph.D. dissertation at UW-Madison - the design of databases to support Total Quality Management.  I was a Big Data man before people even knew there was Big Data.  We called it data warehousing and data mining back then.  So, okay, people in America always need some gimmick to create reputations and income for themselves, even if it is repackaging.  Big Data also aligns with your own background in MIS, MBA, and MPM.  It is buzz now; you can leverage the buzz to show why we need to apply Big Data today because of chaos, complexity, and turbulence.  I like this update a whole lot!   What think you?  Paul 

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