Saturday, January 25, 2014

Predictive Insider Information

My wife and I are now ending our second day in the New York City area. Our motel is in White Plains, NY, the home base for Pepsico and IBM. Yesterday, your humble servant here stopped at a local garage to have the oil changed on his car. The owner was there, and we began to visit while the help worked on the car. The owner and his employees are Palestinians. They are immigrants. The owner began to tell me how huge amounts of money are moving from Syria and Saudi Arabia into New York City, where the Middle-Eastern owners of this money are investing in real estate! He said this trend does not bode well for the future of the Middle East. In other words, these rich Saudi Arabians and Syrians are hedging their bets against popular revolutions toppling the regimes in their countries that provide the financial fortunes that they are now starting to move out of their countries into New York City real estate. In other words, they are getting ready to flee when the people rise up to overthrow their corrupt governments and set up firing squads for the leaders who have stolen vast sums from their own people. Moreover, these rich refugees are converting their cash into tangible assets - real estate - which is a hedge against the coming collapse in the value of the US dollar which forms the basis of their personal fortunes from skimming oil profits for personal gain. This is "street information" that you will not find in financial, business, political publications. It is the kind of information that circulates among "closed circles" of friends, and clearly this Palestinian has made some very powerful financial friends because of his place of origin. What this means for us is: 1. The chances for the US engaging in wider wars in that part of the world to protect the oil-rich regimes are growing, and this means more cost, human, financial for the American people. 2. The conversion of oil dollars into real estate signals a coming collapse of the value of the US dollar. It will be worthless paper; these street-smart insiders do not want to own worthless paper when they can convert it right now into tangible assets like real estate that can only rise in value as paper currency becomes worthless. The wise prepare for the future. This "chance" visit at a local gas station provided an insight into a very probable future for us, and it also made a new friend for this writer. Such friends can provide "insider" information that can help us to get out of danger before it strikes. We begin to explore Manhattan tomorrow, and your humble servant here expects to discover more "insider" info.


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