Saturday, February 15, 2014

Education or Dictatorship

Share the Wealth.  Here is a response to a student scenario for assignment 2.2.
You demonstrate here clearly the practical utility of the scenarios trend forecasting technique.  Yes, your humble servant here as an educator has the same interest in the future of education as do you.  In fact, today, he meditated on this wisdom of Confucius:  The essence of education is to form, shape character (values).  It seems we are glossing over this crucial task.  Without proper values, all of the technology and profits in the world can only lead to "hell on earth."  You get the idea.  This writer, however, despairs over the future of values as the core of education.  All that counts today is make money any way you can, regardless of the damage.  This is going to result in lawlessness throughout society as more and more people reject limits and steal whatever they want.  The blowback is going to be some kind of dictatorship to restore basic order again.  I prefer the cultural, values route.  However, the scenario I just shared from economist Ravi Batra "rings true" sadly.  Dr. Rux

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