Saturday, February 15, 2014

Limits to Technology in Education

What really intrigued me about your update is your suspicion, finding that technology will increase student dropout rates.  This is fascinating, and, of course, it goes against the technology bandwagon roaring down the road in our country - and others, to be fair.  It is professional to know the limits of technology, not just its strengths.  For youngsters, it likely goes like this.  "Billy, did you get enough sleep last night?"  No machine can provide the direct human warmth, concern that a teacher can in a classroom, especially for K-8 - and even K-12.  Again, we are back to "social-technical" analysis.  Technology and sociology interact, "dance" with each other, and can frustrate or energize each other.  You are, to your great credit, including an analysis of this "dance" in your research.  You may want, have to make it explicit as results turn up from research.  Again, keep up your good work!  Dr. Rux

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