Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Vulgar is replacing manners.

Yes, rules, norms, manners count for they set limits to destructive behaviors and conflict.  Sadly, in our society the mass media now celebrate more and more vulgarity.  The result, coupled with lack of discipline in schools and traditional parenting at home, is a rise in conflict in our society.  Manners prevent conflict.  They set limits.  When manners erode, limits, consideration of others, go "out the window."  The result is literally killing.  Here in Florida this year, a retired policeman shot and killed a guy who disregarded use of texting in a movie house.  Another man this past week is on TV for killing a teen for not turning down his "booming" car stereo.  Lack of manners puts us sooner or later on edge; when folks are on edge, conflict and confrontation erupt, including lethal explosions of anger.  So, as you point out, in this OD scenario we need to factor limits, conflict management, and basic manners to heal the workplace.  How are we going to heal out society?  Good job.  Dr. Rux

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