Thursday, March 6, 2014

RAND Corporation and Hudson Institute

Cora, wow, wow, wow!  This is "over the top!"  You have selected the two most powerful trend forecasting organizations in operation today, RAND and Hudson.  Moreover, you have identified in them resources, techniques that can empower you "big time" in your own career development!  You are now aware of two huge assets to help you now and in the future with key issues and research techniques, resources.  It is no accident the Pentagon uses RAND for top-secret trend forecasting research.  You are fully alert to the power of RAND - and Hudson.  This is great.  You have a new competitive edge!  Bravo!  Cora, it makes your humble servant here very happy to find a student connect with such powerful helps, since he designed the course and this assignment to achieve exactly this kind of outcome!   Dr. Rux

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