Saturday, March 1, 2014

S-Curve Analysis

For 4.2., your observation about the emergence of a new technological environment is "on target."  It goes this way.  When the computer emerged, many resisted use of email to rely on the traditional pen and paper communication.  Well, we know what has happened over twenty years.  In time, folks have migrated overwhelmingly to email.  There is a famous "S-Curve" in technology planning.  It goes this way.  At the bottom of the S are the "early adopters."  As the technology gains traction it shoots up and by the time it peaks at the top of the S-Curve it is no longer innovative.  It is standard.  Halfway up the S-Curve, in the middle "bend" is when the technology crosses over from innovation to standardization.  You may want to apply this S-Curve concept as a way to make sense of your findings.  Your teachers are at the bottom, willing to be early adopters.  You get the idea.  FYI, I used to teach Strategic Planning of Technology to MBA students for DeVry University in Milwaukee, WI.

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