Monday, June 24, 2013

Copperhead - the Movie

As students of history, you will find the release of a new movie Copperhead of great interest.   Copperhead refers to Northerners during the U.S. Civil War who were for peace - and opposed Lincoln because of it.  Your humble servant here, in fact, is a Copperhead after reading a study of them last year.  Now, a feature film is opening this week which dramatizes the plight of the Copperheads during the U.S. Civil War.  What is striking about the release of this film is it documents the growing distrust of central government in the USA today.  In short, the movie challenges the myth that Washington, D.C. operates in the interests of the American people.  Read Iraq, read Afghanistan, read Syria here.  In short, the movie is debunking the myth that somehow the U.S. Civil War was a "good thing.."  It in effect gives Americans permission to challenge the gangsters who manipulate patriotism to exploit them.  I am excited.  I hope you have a chance to watch and reflect on its message and how it speaks to trends today in the USA.  I also welcome your opinions about it after seeing it, or even just your opinions about the Northern Peace Party - aka Copperheads - during the U.S. Civil War.  As the Chinese Taoists teach, "Who is winning and who is losing depends on the time you ask the question."  This movie asks the question, who is winning and who is losing today in the contest between central and local power, between the decentralization logic of the Internet, and the now outmoded, outdated centralization model of the passing Industrial Revolution. The Information Age argues for the Greek City State, not Imperial Rome.  Yes, we are rethinking our past because trends today show that those who thought they won in fact did not, not in view of trends today - toward institutional failure.  Paul

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