Sunday, February 9, 2014

Auto Analogy for Future Studies, Trend Forecasting, Strategic Foresight

Great analogy for trend forecasting, future studies, strategic foresight:

If I may interject something Dr. and ladies.

I often use my "car windows" analogy when explaining what our focus should be in life to my clients.  I tell them to picture driving a car down the road.  Your car has a 'rear view' mirror, two 'side view' mirrors, and a front windshield.

 The reason you have a "rear view" mirror is to make sure the car behind you is not getting to close to you.  Like in life, the past is the past, its gone forever and you can not change it.

The side view mirrors are there on your car to help you keep aware of "cars" on either side of you.  Or in life, to keep you from either driving into the gully on your right side of the road or off to the left to oncoming traffic.  In both scenarios nothing good can happen.  In life, the side mirrors act as 'borders' or the lines to stay in between.  To do the right thing in life for both you and those around you. 

And finally, the front windshield.  The reason why it is so much bigger than all the other "glass" or "mirrors" on the car is simple.  Because what is in front of you is more important than was is behind you.  Plus, when you are driving the car you are going in a "forward" motion, as one should be doing in their life....moving forward.

Thank you for allowing me to share my analogy.

Moving forward,


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