Sunday, February 2, 2014

Constructive Confrontation in Planning for the Future

Terra, yes, Constructive Confrontation is a recent field experience of your humble servant here; as you observe, it is needed.  As you propose, "clear the air" right away about who is for and against the change project.  Then, as you point out, you can take steps to fix things sooner rather than later, when you have not run up huge "sunk costs."  Your humble servant here finished a $10,000 business plan for a tech college in Wisconsin last December.  During the field research he encountered faculty hostility to the project; because he "caught" it early, he was able to factor it into his final report, which advised the need for OD, training, of the faculty in what the project involved before taking further steps.  The faculty prevailed and the president caved in to them.  The result is the plan is dead in the water now; it is better to air these things on the front end than later when you are "out on a limb" and "hidden" powers saw it off with you on it.  Keep up your good work.  Dr. Rux

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