Saturday, February 8, 2014

Long and Short Runs

Todd, as your humble servant here has pointed out in our course before, one of the classic "diseases" of American enterprise, and those in other countries who copy it, is the emphasis on "short term" versus "long term."  Here in Crystal River, FL a power company in another state purchased the nuclear power plant here and shut it down because the plant was competing with its prices.  Okay, the price competition now is gone.  That is the short-run outcome.  The long-run outcome is the loss of 1,500 high-paying jobs to the area, which has caused economic collapse in the community; the state, country have lost a source of cost-effective power just when energy costs are a huge pressure and bound to become more severe in the future.  This sadly is the story of too many enterprises, especially American ones.  Sadly, you are living a spin-off of this scenario abroad.  The good news is you see clearly the issue.  Keep up your good work!  Dr. Rux

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