Wednesday, March 5, 2014

World Future Society Annual Conferences

Your humble servant here encourages you to explore the educational resources of the World Future Society, or WFS.  I attended its 2012 annual conference in Toronto, Canada, and one of its half-day workshops was by Dr. Thomas Frey, Denver, CO, on the future of higher education.  Wow!   Wow!  Wow!  His forecast still takes away my breath.  He sees higher education losing 10% of its enrollment each year as the value of degrees overall decline.  Instead, he posits students will opt for apprenticeship and entrepreneurship as a way to get adequate ROI, return on investment from their time, energy, money.  Think of what he said.  Where will higher education be in 5 years of enrollments drop 10% a year overall?  WFS also has workshops on K-12; I attended one on social media in learning.  Debate centered on socialization, or lack of it, when technologies take over.  In my work group for K-12 was a woman from Israel!  This is the kind of global audience WFS attracts.  At the WFS 2013 conference in Chicago last year, I met the former President of the Dominican Republic, who is in the process of setting up an online university down there!  The future of our country, if we want a positive, productive one, is to our South.  We need the human resources, natural resources, and markets of Latin America, and I attended a workshop on this trend to our South!  I encourage you to check out these annual events.  You will get your money's worth.  Dr. Rux

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