Friday, June 13, 2014

Emerging Future of Education in America

The bad news is the tragic school killing in suburban Portland, Oregon, the online base for the Concordia University System.  The shooting underscores, good and hard, our discussion about priorities in education today.  Sadly, in the USA, it must be school, campus, student, teacher physical safety.  As I have shared, Dale Breitlow, a Ph.D. classmate of mine at the University of Wisconsin – Madison was murdered by a student at his high school in suburban Milwaukee.  For your professor, the issue of school safety is not some academic debate.  It is very real because of Dale’s murder.   The good news is students like you are preparing yourselves to be educational leaders who are alert to this need.  Keep up your good work.  Only two weeks remain in our course.  It is “pedal to the metal” time now!

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