Friday, June 20, 2014

Worst Case Scenarios

Your humble servant here is on the mailing list for the radio show Coast to Coast A.M.  This arrived today and overlaps neatly with our week 3 work.  Notice the intuitive approach to scenario evaluations in it.  Dr. Rux

Worst Case Scenarios:

In the first half of Thursday's show, author and preparedness expert Mat Stein  talked about various worst case scenarios such as a solar flare knocking out the grid, and what people can do to cope with such an event. He reported that the US govt. recently passed a new regulation-- "reliability standards for geomagnetic disturbance operations," which on the surface sounds like a good thing. But it's actually a smokescreen written by the power/electricity industry to protect them from liabilities in the event that the grid gets fried in a solar storm, he revealed. Stein believes that if we enter a prolonged grid-down situation, such as from an EMP or extreme solar storm, it's almost certain to cause multiple Fukushima-like events across America.

He has identified a number of trends, each of which are potential civilization busters, and these may be forming into the "perfect storm" for collapse. Natural systems are declining with a record number of extinctions, another financial bubble is on the horizon, and human-induced climate change has altered the chemistry of the atmosphere and the oceans, he outlined. One of Stein's survival tips for those in a crisis situation is a "pit of the stomach exercise," in which a person evaluates different choices from a feeling perspective, rather than rational, linear thought. He also touched on the recent death of his wife from cancer and her refusal to try alternative treatment until it was too late.


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