Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Control of the Future

Michael, this is fascinating and sobering.  I am now age 70, as is this writer; it is natural, normal to start to number the days until my time in this world is up.  I am not being depressed here.  I just want what time is left to count.  I pray, in short, for God's Will.  We cannot lose with it. 

I had a CD playing in my car yesterday, and on it was the old song "Moon River."  It reminded me of JFK; then I saw a documentary today on his death.  As I reflect, it seems with his passing in 1963 our country reached a high water mark; it has been ebb tide ever since.  I think you can relate. 

We Americans have a Puritan streak in us.  We tend to be hard on ourselves when we are not perfect.  This does not excuse evil.  What I am saying is - as this author admits - we still have it pretty good here in comparison with the rest of the planet.  We are not perfect; this does not excuse evil. 

Rather, we need to nurture as best we can the good that previous generations have passed to us (I am using Confucian logic here).

 I cannot control the world, society, the future; to borrow again from Confucius, I can control what's in me, my morals, values.  This is the challenge; it is also key to successful living regardless of the bad times around us.  I take comfort in this insight from the old Chinese sage. 

We can, in the end, choose to save our souls.  Amen.

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